International Competition - not selected
Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal, 2017
DOING with: Cristina Suarez Herrero
Públic Competition YAC - finalist
Bologne, Italy (2019)
CONSUMER AWARENESS is one of the current topics on debate in our modern society. Associated with this topic, are some serious PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABILITY
(environmental, social and economic). The consume.. It is therefore necessary to discuss not only at the material level about solutions and alternatives to deal with the amount of waste, but also discuss on the level of self-consciousness and education. Before reduce, recycle and re-use we need to RETHINK our life style options, necessities, alternatives, choices and consequences.
We, as individuals have the power to say: NO! I don't need it!

To create this Monument will be used the plastic waste generated during and by the exhibition “Planet or Plastic”, but also the plastic waste that results of the normal day life of the city of Bologne . This action, will give some data about te amount of wast produced by a certain number of people during a limited period and also reinforces the connection between the city inhabitants and the Monument. The modular structure is made of compacted plastic waste bales, generated in the nearste Waste Management Center. This system allows the installation to be assembled in any part of the world using the same concept and local material.
This Plastic Monument will give voice not to us (humans) but to the places. An ALERT to our consciences as individuals and our impact on the society and the planet. Therefore, emblematic squares, landscapes and buildings will be shouting to us (civilization): RETHINK!
Concept: Nuno Vasconcelos, Cristina Suárez Herrero (cristina-suarez-herrero.com)
Localization: around the world
Year: 2019