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 This was a project from Gabriela Albergaria for the festival "Jardins Efémeros".

Under the thema "Paradoxo", a king (D.Duarte), a Olive Tree, and LOCAL EARTH are the main stakeholders on the project´s concept, having also a sound installation conceived by Pedro Tudela.

A confront between the man´s power and the Nature was materialized with a PRE-FABRICATED  RAMMED EARTH element, a Olive tree on the top, and a platform with rammed














DOING with Gabriela Albergaria, Pedro Tudela,

Nuno Durão and "Jardins Efémeros" Festival

Viseu, Portugal (2017)











The sound installation from Pedro Tudela, is based on recorded sounds of the rural environment around Viseu, All this ephemeral composition, changed the perception of the space by the combination of: sound, smell, textures and and materials.










tree DSC05129 ALT2 alt.jpg
tree DSC05576 alt.jpg
tree DSC05572 alt.jpg






A compromise was taken between the earth available in this region of Portugal and the visual expectations for this piece. To achieve the ideal mixture for rammed earth, we used different types of soils available in this region. For the execution of the all project was essencial the effort from different local people, that even not used with this construction methodology, were able to help us, finding together solutions to face the difficulties during all the process. This work was divided in phases:

-Earth research ant testing;

-Earth preparation and final mixture;

- pre-fabrication of a rammed-earth element (12Ton);

-Transport and installation of the pre-fabricated element;

- Construction on site of a rammed earth floor (20Ton).




Earth research ant testing:


Test DSC04230 alt.jpg
test DSC04265 alt.jpg
test DSC04254 alt.jpg
test DSC04458 alt.jpg
test DSC04469 alt.jpg





Earth preparation and final mixture:


mix DSC04322 alt.jpg
mix DSC04366 alt.jpg
mix DSC04428 alt.jpg
mix DSC04409 alt.jpg
mix 14 DSC04642 alt.jpg
mix DSC04838 alt.jpg
mix DSC04911 alt.jpg





pre-fabrication of rammed-earth element (12Ton):


pre DSC04737 alt.jpg
pre DSC04549 alt.jpg
pre DSC04560 alt.jpg
pre DSC04588 alt.jpg
pre DSC04625 alt.jpg
pre DSC04601 alt.jpg





Transport pré fabricated element (12Ton):


trans 28 DSC04772. BBBB alt.jpg
trans 30 DSC04776 BBBB alt.jpg
trans DSC04798 alt.jpg
Trans 31 DSC04792 BBBB alt.jpg
trans 32 DSC04800 BBBBB alt.jpg





setting up of the installation and rammed earth floor (32 Ton of earth were used in total):


praca DSC04943 alt.jpg
praca DSC04935 alt .jpg
praca DSC04981 alt.jpg
praca DSC05000 alt.jpg
praca DSC05795 alt.jpg
tree 42 DSC05783 alt.jpg





But... like everything we do in these world, this is also EPHEMERAL​

The earth returns to earth. 




THE END 50 DSC05865 alt.jpg



Project Concept: Gabriela Albergaria

Sound Installation: Pedro Tudela

Consulting and Thecnical Support: Doing​

Coordenation: Nuno Vasconcelos

Execution: Nuno Vasconcelos, Matos&Marques Lda, Sr. Manuel​

Metal Structure Planing: Nuno Durão Arquitectos

Photos: Nuno Vasconcelos / Fernando Carqueja

Localization: Viseu, Portugal

Year: 2017






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